Monday, April 5, 2010

My First Ever Blog!

So here I sit watching the KC Royals on opening day versus the Detroit Tigers in HD on my 42” TV.  I am trying to think of some witty and quippy things to say but since I have been up since 3:40 this morning, worked an 8 hour day, came home (after running some quick errands) around 2pm, and now waiting on the wifey to come home; it has been a long day.

I do know some things I can blog about that are important to me.  First off, it is a most important day today.  My wife (Indika) and I are celebrating our 7th year of marriage today.  It has been a trip and a half and I am still coming back for more.  I love you baby and you mean the world to me!


Second, I achieved a major milestone in my geocaching.  I reached 500 total finds on 4/1/2001.  This now puts me in the category of dedicated geocacher.  As I look back on my geocaching adventures, I have to thank my parents and my brother for all of their knowledge to help me get started and established as a geocacher.  If it was for them helping get a feel for what it takes to play the game over the great McCampbell Christmas of 2008 then I would have never picked up another GPS in the hopes of finding a geocache.


tkm99 caching

1 comment:

  1. My baby has his first blog!! And I love you too and am looking forward to reading about the life and adventures of tkm99 Geocaching!!
