Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Life is Changing

Hello Blogoshpere!

Well, life is changing for me. Last Monday I received news from my director that my position was being done away with. I was given two weeks to work and then after that... DONE! So I have been making my appearances at work to get my pay and then I am done. I have been on the job hunt as soon as I found out.

I want to take some time and thank all my family, friends, and contacts for helping me through this time. The biggest thank you of all goes to my lovely wife, Indika. Without her support I would be up a creek with no paddle.

As with a lot of things that take the back burner when something changes in your life, geocaching for me is going to take a little time there for a while. While this is a hobby, my family, my life, and my work come first. When things get a little more stable, I will make a triumphant return to the hobby I love.

See you on the other side!


1 comment:

  1. We'll be ok baby:) Main thing is we are facing it together!
